There are many things that can lead to the causes of laminitis and founder. One is overeating grain, the other is too much rich pasture. Especially if the horse isn't used to being on pasture. Horses not used to being on pasture should be out there only 15-30 minutes in the beginning. Then each day you can increase that time into small increments until the horse can be out for the desired time you require him to be turned out in pasture.
Ponies and cresty-necked horses, such as morgans are thought to be more prone to laminitis and founder, but any breed of horse can be prone to develop this condition. Some medications especially steroids, may have the side effect of causing laminitis. All medications should be used only under the advice of a vet.
Another type of founder, known as road-founder is caused by a concussion to the feet. This can happen if your horse is used fast and hard on solid surfaces such as gravel roads streets etc.... It can also happen if your horse is worked unusually hard just after a big change in shoeing. For example, horses that have always been barefoot, but then are shoed for a show, parade or fair and then worked really hard at the show can road-founder. Also horses that have always worn shoes, then has them pulled to go bare foot and then worked hard can road founder. So it is very important to always monitor your horses feet every single day.
For me personally my horses' feet are the most important thing when it comes to caring for my horse. If my horses' feet are bad, well then I can't have the pleasure of riding him & my pockets will then be paying for it with the headache of trying to get his feet correct or them not being correct in the long run.
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ReplyDeleteI live in the South of Western Australia and have just been given two beautiful geldings. I am reading everything on your site as the way you describe your phylosophy and approach to horse training sits well with what I feel about horses. I am not very experienced with horses at all and I have found reading your information has given me a far greater awareness of these beautiful creatures. I would like to thank you for taking the time to providing this information for people like myself and I am sure my horses will appreciate it as well. I am so glad I found this site and look forward to reading and understanding more.
Thank you
Julie Ellen Western Australia.